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Negotiating is an integrated part of the sales process.

For too long negotiation has been thought of as separate from selling; this is not the actual way deals are executed. We provide you with the skills and knowledge needed to anticipate and control over 90% of your buyer’s behavior. This course will give you the opportunity to learn how to recapture value on your products and services and move away from negotiating price. 

At the conclusion of this course, you will gain the competencies to:

  • Integrate negotiation tactics as part of your sales process long before your customers and competitors are thinking about it.
  • Implement strategies that return a financial gain for your organization while driving added value for your customer.
  • Approach the negotiation conversation with confidence and eliminate concession pressure.

The Anatomy of a Negotiation

Win Loose is no longer an option

Negotiation Wheel

Sizing up the other side

Breaking Point

When to walk away from a deal


Creating perceived value


Neutralize the conversation

Give & Take

Creating the value trade blueprint

Emotional Discipline

Tactics to rise above disruptive buyers

Body Language  

Reading communication signals

The Fourth Option

Creating Multiple Equal Offers

Team Negotiating  

There is only one alpha at the table


“This course helped us become more unified as a team and we are having more productive engagements with our customers that translate directly to the top and bottom line."

Enotec Imports

What can Negotiating do for you    


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